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The EZ Street cold asphalt patch advantage

  • Replace temporary cold asphalt with EZ Street tarmac and permanently repair road damage first go. Save thousands by eliminating temporary patching and costly follow up permanent tarmac repair.
  • Maximise efficiency – Open roads to traffic immediately. Tarmac repair with minimum preparation and planning. Minimise time on the job and operational overheads.
  • Use EZ Street tarmac in water – Eliminate wet weather down time… And it’s still permanent.
  • Stockpile EZ Street tarmac for 6–8 months and access it 24/7. No more running between asphalt plants or down time while the plant is closed. Eliminate dangerous fumes and handling problems with EZ Street tarmac’s fume free formula and EZ handling options.
  • No more wasted time, money and mess applying sticky tack coats. Use EZ Street tarmac in any weather for permanent repair of potholes, utility cuts, overlays edge repairs, trip hazards and more.

The EZ Street cold tarmac difference

EZ Street tarmac is a premium blend, polymer modified cold asphalt. Its unique production design and specially created polymer additive combine to benchmark as a new asphalt category, applying a solution to performance in-efficiencies of both hot and cold asphalts.

Unlike standard cold asphalt, EZ Street cold asphalt:

  • Sets permanently.
  • Requires no tack coat.
  • Not pick up on feet and tires.

Unlike hot asphalt, EZ Street cold tarmac:

  • Stores for 12 months.
  • Works in water.
  • It is trafficable immediately.
  • It is fume free.
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